What to Do in Destiny 2 Co-op With a Friend?

What to Do in Destiny 2 Co-op With a Friend


Destiny 2 is one of the best representatives of the shooter genre, with the ability to play it as a full-fledged MMO with friends or alone.

The project has many interesting mechanics that will be interesting both in a single-player game, with the search for allies, and in the case of joining Destiny 2 with a friend.

You can initially discuss your roles and choose a bunch of two heroes who will always be the backbone of any group, forcing the rest of the players to play by your rules.

For example, Titan + Warlock is a mixture between defence and powerful AoE damage and healing.

You can even go through strikes – zones similar to raids, exclusively with two people. This will not work with raids – you will either have to get a battle group or order d2 raid carry from the Skycoach service.

This professional service will help you complete any raid and transfer all the rewards received to your character. Skycoach guarantees the passage of a raid of any complexity and anonymity and protection of personal data if you choose the format of the service with the transfer of an account to perform the service without personal participation.

Then you will only need to track the status of the order on the Skycoach website and, after receiving a notification, log into your account, check the drop and change your password. If you choose the format of joining a group, just follow the leader’s instructions.

Beginning of the game

Beginning of the game

First of all, you will be forced to undergo training, in which they will teach you basic online gaming skills, the mechanics of movement and shooting, the technique of using grenades and shelters, and the use of the special skills of the selected hero. Then you will be sent to the open world.

Quest system

Like many similar projects, Destiny 2 has a quest system based on the constant completion of tasks to gain progress in levels, skills, the number of glimmers – the internal currency of Destiny 2 and equipment with weapons.

Tasks can be divided into basic and special:

The main ones are needed to tell the player the general history of the planets in Destiny 2, where the story is going, and the main characters and gradually increase the level of difficulty, dedicating the player to new mechanics and giving him glimmers, experience and equipment with weapons as a reward.

Special quests are needed as an additional opportunity to earn more glimmers and experience by taking secondary tasks that can be completed simultaneously with the main ones in the same location; only then it can be effective.


Strike is a raid on the boss’s lair, which is designed for one to three people, and since you play together, this will be an ideal interesting adventure for you with the ability to knock out equipment and weapons of higher quality.

You have to go into the combat zone and move through the territory inhabited by many monsters that can be dangerous in large numbers, so be careful.

When the entire retinue is killed, you can start farming the head of the dungeon himself.

It is worth adding that strike itself is not a complicated but dynamic activity format to strengthen your heroes. This does not mean that you cannot die in it and ruin everything, but you need to make a lot of gross mistakes in order to die during the passage and ruin everything.



The raid is a full-fledged dungeon with a boss that you need to fight as part of a group.

Bosses have different mechanics that you need to consider when attacking them.

These can be attacks that kill all life at close range, and then you need to run away and vice versa, causing fatal damage to everyone who is at a distance.

Each head of the dungeon has its own strengths and weaknesses, a supply of health and mana, and a retinue that performs various tasks.

To get to the trophies, you need to reduce the boss’s health to 0, but often each chapter of the dungeon has a critical bar – a period in health when all attacks and abilities increase significantly, just to avoid death and have a chance to fail the raid for the whole group.

Raids have three levels of difficulty, which increase after passing the previous level. It is best to strive for the mythical difficulty level since it is he who brings the legendary weapons and armour if successful.

Still, you will need a huge number of players and attentiveness because the boss at this difficulty level will be atrocious – there will be more and more attacks and many skills with deadly effects.

PVP mode

Destiny 2 has an interesting mode for battles between players called Trial of Osiris. This is a full-round mechanic for three teams ready to compete for seasonal rewards.

You need to make a series of victories in a row to be able to take this prize. Often, it is a legendary weapon or armour that can significantly strengthen your character before the next stage or in other activities.

The rounds are quite short, and you need to achieve 7 victories in a row to get the coveted trophy.

Even in the case of frequent losses, keep trying – the rounds go quickly, and sooner or later, you will develop a general understanding of the shooting and cover mechanics. Then the overall percentage of wins will increase significantly.


Take and complete joint contracts – these are activities for stuffing a certain number of specified actions in order to gain a gaming session.

Such tasks have time limits; if you do not have time to complete them on time, they will be replaced with more relevant ones.

Also, if you do it before the required time, you can replace and take new contracts in advance by spending a certain amount of glimmers and thus convert money into experience almost unlimited.



Destiny 2 has a lot of planets and monsters that you can fly to and hunt – D2 is a very colourful world that is interesting to explore, and if you get bored, then join a guild or create your own

The guild is needed to obtain various positive effects depending on the level of pumping and the opportunity to consult and learn a lot from other players – do not miss this opportunity.

It makes sense to create a game guild if you are ready to devote most of your time to it. Otherwise, it’s just a useless exercise and keeping other players. For friends, you can make a conditional guild for the sake of a common warehouse and discounts for the common good.

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